Monday 27 June 2016

What’s New In iOS 10 For iPad And iPhone app developers?

Apple announced the tenth major version of iOS at its recently held Worldwide Developer Conference. This time the company, as we have been expecting, is going to add a lot of latest features and apps to the iOS version 10, along with polishing some of its edges which have become rough over the last few years.
ios 10
iPhone app developers are already able to access the beta version now and soon, the company will release the public beta version too. iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus models would the first devices to get the update of iOS 10 in September this year.
So what features can app developers as well as consumers expect in iPhones and iPads from the iOS 10. Here are top 4 of them.

Siri To Get Access Of App Developers

The voice powered assistant – Siri – will now be open for iPad and iPhone app developers. They will be able to access the SDK of Siri and can use it to increase the utility of voice in apps. The more developers will use the Siri in their apps, the more Apple will get data to improve the services delivered by Siri. Consumers will be have more app which can be interacted with Siri.

iMessaging Too Is Open Now

Apple is also going to allow third party developers to extend iMessaging. Yes, they will be able to use functionality of iMessaging in their apps. Previously, the access to messaging was locked but now it’s available through an SDK. It’s an Apple bet to open the services to bring developers closer to iOS.

Notifications To Go Richer

Notifications too are going to be richer. Developers will now be able to code notifications to make them media-rich. They could use images and videos with notifications. They can be replied from inside the notifications-boxes. In this way, users will not need to launch apps separately.

User Interface To Get Polish

The user interface too gets treatments. Apple is making a lot of improvements in the UI of the iOS. It’s adding a dark mode which is an alternative them to the bright white dialog boxes presently infesting the OS. For now it will be a nice cosmetic touch but the company is implementing it for 2017 when it will switch to OLED screen. The mode will save significant battery power. It may be the default setting in the iPhone to be launched next year.’

Wrapping up

With the inclusion of these features to the iOS, Apple is going to expand the canvas of app development for iPad and iPhone app developers. Let’s see how excitingly they use the features / functions Apple is going to open their accesses for developers.

നിങ്ങളിലെ കാർട്ടൂൺ കഥാപാത്രം

നിങ്ങളിലെ കാർട്ടൂൺ കഥാപാത്രം എന്തായിരിക്കും എന്ന് കണ്ടെത്തൂ!
നിങ്ങള്‍ക്ക് ലഭിക്കുന്ന ഉത്തരം ഫേസ്ബുക്കില്‍ ഷെയര്‍ ചെയ്യൂ..! നിങ്ങളുടെ സുഹൃത്തുക്കളും അറിയട്ടേ ഇത് ! !! ;-)

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Reduce the size of AUTOCAD File


Drawing files in AutoCAD end up being much larger than they should, often with no obvious data in them. Other symptoms include:
  • Failure to copy and paste elements.
  • Hanging for a long time when selecting text with the properties palette open.
  • Drawing file takes a long time to open.


This happens when data is imported from a DGN file and the original linetypes were not mapped or were incorrectly mapped to AutoCAD linetypes. This produces a huge object database in the drawing that cannot be purged with the standard tools. Furthermore, if you copy and paste an entity from an affected drawing into another drawing, the entire database is also copied and the problem is spread to the other file.


Open affected drawings in AutoCAD 2015 (or a later version) and use the PURGE command. Be sure to enable the checkbox labeled "Automatically purge orphaned data." For AutoCAD 2012, 2013, and 2014, there is the DGN Hotfix.  

AutoCAD DGN Hotfix for AutoCAD 2013/2014 
AutoCAD DGN Hotfix for AutoCAD 2012 

The purge feature in AutoCAD 2015 was added to as a result of the hotfix being rolled into the program, with enhancement (i.e., it is better than the hotfix). 

The hotfix includes two files: 
  • DgnLsPurge.dll. Once loaded, it allows you to purge DGN objects using the DGNPURGE command. 
  • AcDgnLS.dbx. This keeps the DGN objects from propagating to new files when copying, pasting, or inserting from other files.
Refer to the associated readme files for instructions. Most likely the hotfix files will need to be unblocked in order to work and there is a screen shot about this in the readme. 

To use, enter the DGNPURGE command on the command line in AutoCAD to remove unwanted DGN elements. It gives no feedback until done, so on very big files you will simply need to wait until it is finished, which could take several minutes. After it is done, use PURGE > All on the drawing. 

The large file size problem is partially solved with Service Pack 1 for both AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCAD LT 2014, stopping the propagation of unwanted line types between files. The service pack does not contain the DGNPURGE command, which is needed to clean already affected files. 

Using DGNPURGE on multiple files at once 

There is a third-party plug-in called Drawing Purge that can be added to AutoCAD which will let you purge multiple drawings all at one time. 

AutoCAD LT and the DGN Hotfix 

AutoCAD LT does not have the NETLOAD command which is needed to load the hotfix DLL file, which means the DGNPURGE command is not usable within AutoCAD LT. However, AutoCAD LT 2015 has the enhanced PURGE functionality, so it is recommended to use version 2015 to purge files. As an alternative to the hotfix, converting a DWG file to DXF and then back again, or to DGN and back, or using WBLOCK to write a new file has the potential to remove unwanted DGN elements. 

DXFOUT to remove line types
  1. Open the file with AutoCAD LT.
  2. DXFOUT the full file.
  3. In a new file DXFIN the file created in previous step.
  4. After importing the DXF, generate a new DXF file (DXFOUT).
  5. In a new file DXFIN the file created in previous step.
  6. Purge all.
  7. Save the file.
WBLOCK to remove line types:
  1. Open the file with AutoCAD LT.
  2. Enter the WBLOCK command.
  3. Select the "Entire drawing" option.
  4. Click the location button at the bottom-right to name the file and pick a location to save to.
  5. Click OK.
DGNEXPORT to remove line types:
  1. Open the affected drawing file using AutoCAD LT.
  2. Enter DGNEXPORT at the command line.
  3. Select V8 DGN under 'Files of type' and click Save.
  4. When the Export DGN Settings message box is displayed, verify that the correct seed file and units are selected.
  5. Click OK.
  6. After the DGN export is complete, open a new template and enter DGNIMPORT at the command line.
  7. Select the newly created DGN file and click Open.
  8. Verify that the Conversion unit is correct.
  9. Click on Mapping setups and select new and make sure Mapping type is Import.
  10. On the new Mapping setup, click on Modify.
  11. Go to the Linetype tab, change all rows to ByLayer (right-click on the first row which has been set to ByLayer and the select Copy, then select all the rows and right-click > paste).
  12. Click OK.

If you have installed Service Pack 1 for AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT 2014, try the following procedure if previous methods fail:
  1. Open the DWG file.
  2. With the LAYER command, assure that all layers are on, thawed, and unlocked.
  3. Copy all objects in the drawing to the clipboard (CTRL+A then CTRL+C).
  4. Open a new file and paste all copied objects (CTRL+V).
  5. Save the file.